Source code for logic1.theories.Sets.atomic

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import string
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Final, Iterator, Never, Optional, Self, TypeAlias

from ... import firstorder
from ...firstorder import _F, _T

    format='%(levelname)s[%(relativeCreated)0.0f ms]: %(message)s',

oo = float('Inf')
"""A symbolic name for the float `inf` as an :data:`.Index`

Index: TypeAlias = int | float
"""An index, which is either a positive integer or the float `inf`, which is
represented by :data:`oo`

[docs] class VariableSet(firstorder.atomic.VariableSet['Variable']): """The infinite set of all variables belonging to the theory of Sets. Variables are uniquely identified by their name, which is a :external:class:`.str`. This class is a singleton, whose single instance is assigned to :data:`.VV`. .. seealso:: Final methods inherited from parent class: * :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.VariableSet.get` -- obtain several variables simultaneously * :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.VariableSet.imp` -- import variables into global namespace """ _instance: ClassVar[Optional[VariableSet]] = None @property def stack(self) -> list[set[str]]: return self._stack
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: str) -> Variable: """Implements abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.VariableSet.__getitem__`. """ match index: case str(): self._used.update((index,)) return Variable(index) case _: raise ValueError(f'expecting string as index; {index} is {type(index)}')
def __init__(self) -> None: self._stack: list[set[str]] = [] self._used: set[str] = set() def __new__(cls) -> VariableSet: if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __repr__(self) -> str: s = ', '.join(str(g) for g in (*self._used, '...')) return f'{{{s}}}'
[docs] def fresh(self, suffix: str = '') -> Variable: """Return a fresh variable, by default from the sequence G0001, G0002, ..., G9999, G10000, ... This naming convention is inspired by Lisp's gensym(). If the optional argument :data:`suffix` is specified, the sequence G0001<suffix>, G0002<suffix>, ... is used instead. """ i = 1 v_as_str = f'G{i:04d}{suffix}' while v_as_str in self._used: i += 1 v_as_str = f'G{i:04d}{suffix}' return self[v_as_str]
[docs] def pop(self) -> None: self._used = self._stack.pop()
[docs] def push(self) -> None: self._stack.append(self._used) self._used = set()
VV = VariableSet()
[docs] class Variable(firstorder.Variable['Variable', Never, str]): wrapped_variable_set: VariableSet = VV string: str
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: Variable) -> Eq: # type: ignore[override] if isinstance(other, Variable): return Eq(self, other) raise ValueError(f'arguments must be terms - {other} is {type(other)}')
def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((tuple(str(cls) for cls in self.__class__.mro()), self.string)) def __init__(self, arg: str) -> None: if not isinstance(arg, str): raise ValueError(f'argument must be a string; {arg} is {type(arg)}') self.string = arg
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: Variable) -> Ne: # type: ignore[override] if isinstance(other, Variable): return Ne(self, other) raise ValueError(f'arguments must be terms; {other} is {type(other)}')
def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.string
[docs] def as_latex(self) -> str: """LaTeX representation as a string. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.Term.as_latex`. """ base = self.string.rstrip(string.digits) index = self.string[len(base):] if index: return f'{base}_{{{index}}}' return base
[docs] def fresh(self) -> Variable: """Returns a variable that has not been used so far. Implements abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.Variable.fresh`. """ return self.wrapped_variable_set.fresh(suffix=f'_{str(self)}')
[docs] def sort_key(self) -> str: """A sort key suitable for ordering instances of this class. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.Term.sort_key`. """ return self.string
[docs] def subs(self, d: dict[Variable, Variable]) -> Variable: """Simultaneous substitution of variables for variables. >>> from logic1.theories.Sets import VV >>> x, y, z = VV.get('x', 'y', 'z') >>> f = x >>> f.subs({x: y, y: z}) y """ return d.get(self, self)
[docs] def vars(self) -> Iterator[Variable]: """An iterator that yields this variable. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.Term.vars`. """ yield self
[docs] class AtomicFormula(firstorder.AtomicFormula['AtomicFormula', 'Variable', 'Variable', Never]):
[docs] def __le__(self, other: Formula) -> bool: """Returns `True` if this atomic formula should be sorted before or is equal to other. Implements abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.__le__`. """ L: Final = [C, C_, Eq, Ne] match other: case AtomicFormula(): if isinstance(self, (C, C_)) and isinstance(other, (Eq, Ne)): return True if isinstance(self, (Eq, Ne)) and isinstance(other, (C, C_)): return False match self: case C() | C_(): assert isinstance(other, (C, C_)) if self.index == other.index: return L.index(self.op) <= L.index(other.op) return self.index <= other.index case Eq() | Ne(): assert isinstance(other, (Eq, Ne)) if self.op != other.op: return L.index(self.op) <= L.index(other.op) if Variable.sort_key(self.lhs) != Variable.sort_key(other.lhs): return Variable.sort_key(self.lhs) <= Variable.sort_key(other.lhs) return Variable.sort_key(self.rhs) <= Variable.sort_key(other.rhs) case _: assert False, f'{self}: {type(self)}' case _: return True
def __repr__(self) -> str: SYMBOL: Final = {Eq: '==', Ne: '!=', C: 'C', C_: 'C_'} SPACING: Final = ' ' match self: case C() | C_(): if self.index is oo: return f'{SYMBOL[self.op]}(oo)' return f'{SYMBOL[self.op]}({self.index})' case Eq() | Ne(): return f'{self.lhs}{SPACING}{SYMBOL[self.op]}{SPACING}{self.rhs}' case _: assert False, f'{self}: {type(self)}'
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """String representation of this atomic formula. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.__str__`. """ return repr(self)
[docs] def as_latex(self) -> str: """Latex representation as a string. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.as_latex`. """ match self: case C(index=index) if index == oo: return f'C_\\infty' case C(index=index): return f'C_{{{index}}}' case C_(index=index) if index == oo: return f'\\overline{{C_\\infty}}' case C_(index=index): return f'\\overline{{C_{{{index}}}}}' case Eq(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs): return f'{lhs.as_latex()} = {rhs.as_latex()}' case Ne(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs): return f'{lhs.as_latex()} \\neq {rhs.as_latex()}' case _: assert False, f'{self}: {type(self)}'
[docs] def bvars(self, quantified: frozenset[Variable] = frozenset()) -> Iterator[Variable]: """Iterate over occurrences of variables that are elements of `quantified`. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.bvars`. """ match self: case Eq() | Ne(): yield from (v for v in (self.lhs, self.rhs) if v in quantified) case C() | C_(): yield from () case _: assert False, f'{self}: {type(self)}'
[docs] @classmethod def complement(cls) -> type[AtomicFormula]: """Complement relation. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.complement`. .. seealso:: Inherited method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.to_complement` """ D: Any = {C: C_, C_: C, Eq: Ne, Ne: Eq} return D[cls]
[docs] def fvars(self, quantified: frozenset[Variable] = frozenset()) -> Iterator[Variable]: """Iterate over occurrences of variables that are *not* elements of `quantified`. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.fvars`. """ match self: case Eq() | Ne(): yield from (v for v in (self.lhs, self.rhs) if v not in quantified) case C() | C_(): yield from () case _: assert False, f'{self}: {type(self)}'
[docs] def simplify(self) -> Formula: """Fast basic simplification. The result is equivalent to self. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.simplify`. """ match self: case Eq(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs): if lhs == rhs: return _T() if Variable.sort_key(lhs) > Variable.sort_key(rhs): return rhs == lhs case Ne(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs): if lhs == rhs: return _F() if Variable.sort_key(lhs) > Variable.sort_key(rhs): return rhs != lhs case C(): if self.index == 1: return _T() case C_(): if self.index == 1: return _F() case _: assert False, self return self
[docs] def subs(self, d: dict[Variable, Variable]) -> Self: """Simultaneous substitution of variables for variables. Implements the abstract method :meth:`.firstorder.atomic.AtomicFormula.subs`. """ match self: case C() | C_(): return self # type: ignore[return-value] case Eq() | Ne(): return self.op(self.lhs.subs(d), self.rhs.subs(d)) # type: ignore[return-value] case _: assert False, f'{self}: {type(self)}'
[docs] class Eq(AtomicFormula): @property def lhs(self) -> Variable: return self.args[0] @property def rhs(self) -> Variable: return self.args[1] def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self.lhs.string == self.rhs.string def __init__(self, lhs: Variable, rhs: Variable) -> None: super().__init__() for arg in (lhs, rhs): if not isinstance(arg, Variable): raise ValueError( f'arguments must be variables; {arg} is {type(arg)}') self.args = (lhs, rhs)
[docs] class Ne(AtomicFormula): @property def lhs(self) -> Variable: return self.args[0] @property def rhs(self) -> Variable: return self.args[1] def __bool__(self) -> bool: return self.lhs.string != self.rhs.string def __init__(self, lhs: Variable, rhs: Variable) -> None: super().__init__() for arg in (lhs, rhs): if not isinstance(arg, Variable): raise ValueError( f'arguments must be variables - {arg} is {type(arg)}') self.args = (lhs, rhs)
[docs] class C(AtomicFormula): """Cardinality constraints. From a mathematical perspective, the instances are constant relation symbols with an index, which is either a positive integer or the float `inf`, represented as ``oo``. ``C(n)`` holds iff there are at least ``n`` different elements in the universe. This is not a statement about the index ``n`` but about a range of models where this constant relation holds. In the following example, ``f`` states that there should be at least 2 elements but not 3 elements or more: >>> from logic1.firstorder import * >>> from logic1.theories.Sets import * >>> x, y, z = VV.get('x', 'y', 'z') >>> f = Ex([x, y], x != y) & All([x, y, z], Or(x == y, y == z, z == x)) >>> qe(f) # quantifier elimination: And(C(2), C_(3)) The class constructor takes care that instances with equal indices are identical: >>> C(1) is C(1) True >>> C(1) == C(2) False """ _instances: ClassVar[dict[Index, C]] = dict() @property def index(self) -> Index: """The index of the constant relation symbol """ return self.args[0] def __init__(self, index: Index) -> None: """Implements abstract method :meth:`firstorder.formula.Formula.__init__`. """ super().__init__() self.args = (index,) def __new__(cls, index: Index): if not (isinstance(index, int) and index > 0 or index == oo): raise ValueError(f'argument must be positive int or oo; ' f'{index} is {type(index)}') if index not in cls._instances: cls._instances[index] = super().__new__(cls) return cls._instances[index]
[docs] class C_(AtomicFormula): """Cardinality constraints. The class :class:`C_` is dual to :class:`C`; more precisely, for every index ``n``, we have that ``C_(n)`` is the dual relation of ``C(n)``, and vice versa. """ _instances: ClassVar[dict[Index, C_]] = dict() @property def index(self) -> Index: """The index of the constant relation symbol """ return self.args[0] def __init__(self, index: Index) -> None: """Implements abstract method :meth:`firstorder.formula.Formula.__init__`. """ super().__init__() self.args = (index,) def __new__(cls, index: Index): if not (isinstance(index, int) and index > 0 or index == oo): raise ValueError(f'argument must be positive int or oo; ' f'{index} is {type(index)}') if index not in cls._instances: cls._instances[index] = super().__new__(cls) return cls._instances[index]
from .typing import Formula