Source code for logic1.theories.RCF.qe

"""Real quantifier elimination by virtual substitution [Sturm-2018]_.
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import auto, Enum
from logging import Logger
from typing import ClassVar, Iterable, Iterator, Literal, Optional, TypeAlias
from typing import reveal_type  # noqa

from logic1 import abc
from logic1.firstorder import And, _F, Not, Or, _T
from import trace  # noqa
from logic1.theories.RCF.atomic import (
    AtomicFormula, Eq, Ne, Ge, Le, Gt, Lt, polynomial_ring, Term, Variable)
from logic1.theories.RCF.simplify import is_valid, simplify
from logic1.theories.RCF.typing import Formula

class DegreeViolation(abc.qe.NodeProcessFailure):

class Failed(Exception):

[docs] class Assumptions(abc.qe.Assumptions[AtomicFormula, Term, Variable, int]): """Implements the abstract method :meth:`simplify() <.abc.qe.Assumptions.simplify>` of its super class :class:`.abc.qe.Assumptions`. Required by :class:`.Node` and :class:`.VirtualSubstitution` for instantiating the type variable :data:`.abc.qe.λ` of :class:`.abc.qe.Node` and :class:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination`, respectively. """ def simplify(self, f: Formula) -> Formula: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.Assumptions.simplify`. """ return simplify(f, explode_always=False, prefer_order=False, prefer_weak=True)
[docs] class CLUSTERING(Enum): """Available clustering strategies. Required by :class:`.Options`. """ NONE = auto() """No clustering at all. """ FULL = auto() """Full clustering. """
[docs] class GENERIC(Enum): """Available degrees of genericity. For details on generic quantifier elimination see Required by :class:`.Options`. """ NONE = auto() """Regular quantifier elimination, not making any assumptions. """ MONOMIAL = auto() """Admit assumptions on parameters by adding atomic formulas to :attr:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.assumptions`, where the left hand side of those atomic formulas is a monomial (and the right hand side is zero). """ FULL = auto() """Admit assumptions on parameters by adding atomic formulas to :attr:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.assumptions`. """
class NSP(Enum): NONE = auto() PLUS_EPSILON = auto() MINUS_EPSILON = auto() PLUS_INFINITY = auto() MINUS_INFINITY = auto() class TAG(Enum): XLB = auto() XUB = auto() ANY = auto() SignSequence: TypeAlias = tuple[Literal[-1, 0, 1], ...] @dataclass(frozen=True) class RootSpec: signs: SignSequence index: int def __neg__(self) -> RootSpec: return RootSpec(signs=tuple(-i for i in self.signs), index=self.index) def bound_type(self, atom: AtomicFormula) -> tuple[bool, Optional[TAG]]: """Return value None means that atom has a constant truth value """ zero_index = 2 * self.index - 1 assert self.signs[zero_index] == 0, (self, atom) left = self.signs[zero_index - 1] right = self.signs[zero_index + 1] assert left != 0 and right != 0, (self, atom) match (atom, left, right): case (Eq(), _, _): return (False, TAG.ANY) case (Ne(), _, _): return (True, TAG.ANY) case (Lt(), -1, -1) | (Gt(), 1, 1): return (True, TAG.ANY) case (Lt(), -1, 1) | (Gt(), 1, -1): return (True, TAG.XUB) case (Lt(), 1, -1) | (Gt(), -1, 1): return (True, TAG.XLB) case (Lt(), 1, 1) | (Gt(), -1, -1): return (True, None) case (Le(), -1, -1) | (Ge(), 1, 1): return (False, None) case (Le(), -1, 1) | (Ge(), 1, -1): return (False, TAG.XUB) case (Le(), 1, -1) | (Ge(), -1, 1): return (False, TAG.XLB) case (Le(), 1, 1) | (Ge(), -1, -1): return (False, TAG.ANY) case _: assert False, (atom, left, right) def guard(self, term: Term, x: Variable) -> Formula: match case -1 | 0: assert False, (self, term, x) case 1: a = term.coefficient({x: 1}) match self.signs: case (-1, 0, 1): return a > 0 case (1, 0, -1): return a < 0 case _: assert False, (self, term, x) case 2: a = term.coefficient({x: 2}) b = term.coefficient({x: 1}) c = term.coefficient({x: 0}) d2 = b**2 - 4 * a * c match self.signs: case (1, 0, -1, 0, 1): return And(a > 0, d2 > 0) case (-1, 0, 1, 0, -1): return And(a < 0, d2 > 0) case (1, 0, 1): return And(a > 0, d2 == 0) case (-1, 0, -1): return And(a < 0, d2 == 0) case _: assert False, (self, term, x) case _: raise DegreeViolation(self, term, x) def kosta_code(self, d: int) -> int: D: dict[tuple[int, SignSequence], int] = { (1, (-1, 0, 1)): 1, (1, (1, 0, -1)): -1, (2, (1, 0, -1, 0, 1)): 1, (2, (1, 0, 1)): 2, (2, (1,)): 3, (2, (-1, 0, 1, 0, -1)): -1, (2, (-1, 0, -1)): -2, (2, (-1,)): -3, (3, (-1, 0, 1)): 1, (3, (-1, 0, -1, 0, 1)): 2, (3, (-1, 0, 1, 0, 1)): 3, (3, (-1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1)): 4, (3, (1, 0, -1)): -1, (3, (1, 0, 1, 0, -1)): -2, (3, (1, 0, -1, 0, -1)): -3, (3, (1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, -1)): -4} return D[d, self.signs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Cluster: root_specs: tuple[RootSpec, ...] def __neg__(self) -> Cluster: return Cluster(tuple(- root_spec for root_spec in self.root_specs)) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[RootSpec]: return iter(self.root_specs) def bound_type(self, atom: AtomicFormula, x: Variable, assumptions: Assumptions)\ -> tuple[bool, Optional[TAG]]: epsilons = set() tags = set() for root_spec in self.root_specs: if simplify(root_spec.guard(atom.lhs, x), assume=assumptions.atoms) is _F(): continue with_epsilon, tag = root_spec.bound_type(atom) if tag is not None: epsilons.add(with_epsilon) tags.add(tag) assert len(epsilons) <= 1, (self, atom, x) try: epsilon = next(iter(epsilons)) except StopIteration: epsilon = False if len(tags) == 0: tag = None elif tags == {TAG.XLB} or tags == {TAG.XLB, TAG.ANY}: tag = TAG.XLB elif tags == {TAG.XUB} or tags == {TAG.XUB, TAG.ANY}: tag = TAG.XUB else: tag = TAG.ANY return (epsilon, tag) def guard(self, term: Term, x: Variable) -> Formula: d = match d, self: case 1, Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1), index=1))): a = term.coefficient({x: 1}) return a != 0 case 2, Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1, 0, -1), index=2), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, -1), index=1))): a = term.coefficient({x: 2}) b = term.coefficient({x: 1}) c = term.coefficient({x: 0}) d2 = b**2 - 4 * a * c return And(a != 0, d2 >= 0) case _: return Or(*(root_spec.guard(term, x) for root_spec in self.root_specs)) @dataclass(frozen=True) class PRD: """Parametric Root Description""" term: Term variable: Variable cluster: Cluster xguard: Formula = field(default_factory=_T) def guard(self, assumptions: Assumptions) -> Formula: guard = self.cluster.guard(self.term, self.variable) return simplify(And(self.xguard, guard), assume=assumptions.atoms) def vsubs(self, atom: AtomicFormula) -> Formula: """Virtually substitute self into atom yielding a quantifier-free formula """ match atom: case Ne() | Gt() | Ge(): return Not(self._vsubs(atom.to_complement())).to_nnf() case Eq() | Lt() | Le(): return self._vsubs(atom) case _: assert False, (self, atom) def _vsubs(self, atom: AtomicFormula) -> Formula: """Virtual substitution of PRD into atom. """ x = self.variable deg_g = match deg_g: case -1 | 0: return atom case 1: aa = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: 1}) bb = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: 0}) case _: raise NotImplementedError(deg_g) deg_f = assert deg_g < deg_f, f'{self=}, {atom=}' # Pseudo-division has been applied # f into g match deg_f: case -1 | 0 | 1: assert False case 2: a = self.term.coefficient({x: 2}) b = self.term.coefficient({x: 1}) c = self.term.coefficient({x: 0}) A = 2 * a * aa * bb - aa**2 * b B = a * bb**2 + aa**2 * c - aa * b * bb C = 2 * a * bb - aa * b match (deg_g, atom, self.cluster): # Kosta Appendix A.1: Without clustering case (1, Eq(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1),))): return And(A >= 0, B == 0) case (1, Eq(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=2),))): return And(A <= 0, B == 0) case (1, Eq(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1),))): return C == 0 case (1, Lt(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1),))): return Or(And(C < 0, B > 0), And(aa >= 0, Or(C < 0, B < 0))) case (1, Lt(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=2),))): return Or(And(C < 0, B > 0), And(aa <= 0, Or(C < 0, B < 0))) case (1, Lt(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1),))): return C < 0 case (1, Le(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1),))): return Or(And(C <= 0, B >= 0), And(aa >= 0, B <= 0)) case (1, Le(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=2),))): return Or(And(C <= 0, B >= 0), And(aa <= 0, B <= 0)) case (1, Le(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1),))): return C <= 0 # Kosta Appendix A.3: With clustering case (1, Eq(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1, 0, -1), index=2), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, -1), index=1)))): return And(A >= 0, B == 0) case (1, Lt(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1, 0, -1), index=2), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, -1), index=1)))): return Or(And(a * C < 0, a * B > 0), And(a * aa >= 0, Or(a * C < 0, a * B < 0))) case (1, Le(), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1, 0, -1), index=2), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, -1), index=1)))): return Or(And(a * C <= 0, a * B >= 0), And(a * aa >= 0, a * B <= 0)) case _: assert False, f'{self=}, {atom=}' case _: raise NotImplementedError(f'{self=}, {atom=}') def _translate(self) -> str: x = self.variable deg_f = a = self.term.coefficient({x: 2}) b = self.term.coefficient({x: 1}) c = self.term.coefficient({x: 0}) match deg_f: case 1: match self.cluster: # CLUSTERING.NONE case Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1), index=1),)): return f'({-c}) / ({b})' # CLUSTERING.FULL case Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1), index=1))): return f'({-c}) / ({b})' case _: assert False, self case 2: match self.cluster: # CLUSTERING.NONE case Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1),)): return f'({-b} - sqrt({b**2- 4*a*c})) / ({2*a})' case Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=2),)): return f'({-b} + sqrt({b**2- 4*a*c})) / ({2*a})' case Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1),)): return f'({-b} ± sqrt({0})) / ({2*a})' # CLUSTERING.FULL case Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1, 0, -1), index=2), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, -1), index=1))): return f'({-b} - sqrt({b**2- 4*a*c})) / ({2*a})' case _: assert False, self case _: assert False, self @dataclass(frozen=True) class CandidateSolution: # CandidateSolutions are used as elements of sets. In order to become # hashable, the dataclass is frozen, along with RootSpec, PRD, and # RealType. prd: PRD with_epsilon: bool tag: TAG @dataclass class TestPoint: prd: Optional[PRD] = None nsp: NSP = NSP.NONE def guard(self, assumptions: Assumptions): if self.prd is None: return _T() else: guard = self.prd.guard(assumptions) assert guard is not _F(), self return guard def _translate(self) -> str: assert self.prd is not None match self.nsp: case NSP.NONE: return self.prd._translate() case NSP.PLUS_EPSILON: return self.prd._translate() + ' + epsilon' case NSP.MINUS_EPSILON: return self.prd._translate() + ' - epsilon' case NSP.PLUS_INFINITY: return '+inf' case NSP.MINUS_INFINITY: return '-inf' case _: assert False, self @dataclass class EliminationSet: variable: Variable test_points: list[TestPoint] method: str def _translate(self, assumptions: Assumptions): return (self.method, self.variable, [(tp.guard(assumptions), tp._translate()) for tp in self.test_points])
[docs] @dataclass class Node(abc.qe.Node[Formula, Variable, Assumptions]): """Implements the abstract methods :meth:`copy() <.abc.qe.Node.copy>` and :meth:`process() <.abc.qe.Node.process>` of its super class :class:`.abc.qe.Node`. Required by :class:`.VirtualSubstitution` for instantiating the type variable :data:`.abc.qe.ν` of :class:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination`. """ answer: list outermost_block: bool options: Options real_type_selection: ClassVar[dict[CLUSTERING, dict[int, list[Cluster]]]] = { # W.l.o.g. the last sign in the first SignSequence of each tuple is always +1. CLUSTERING.NONE: { 1: [Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1), index=1),))], 2: [Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1),)), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=2),)), Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1),))] }, CLUSTERING.FULL: { 1: [Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1), index=1)))], 2: [Cluster((RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, -1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, 1, 0, -1), index=2), RootSpec(signs=(1, 0, 1), index=1), RootSpec(signs=(-1, 0, -1), index=1)))] } } def __str__(self): return (f'Node({self.variables}, {self.formula}, {self.answer}, {self.outermost_block}, ' f'{self.options})') def copy(self) -> Node: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.Node.copy`. """ return Node(variables=self.variables, formula=self.formula, answer=self.answer, outermost_block=self.outermost_block, options=self.options) def eset(self, assumptions: Assumptions) -> EliminationSet: return self.gauss_eset(assumptions) or self.regular_eset(assumptions) def gauss_eset(self, assumptions: Assumptions) -> Optional[EliminationSet]: if not isinstance(self.formula, And): return None for degree in (1, 2): # Look for degree-Gauss with a non-zero coefficient modulo assumptions for round_ in (GENERIC.NONE, GENERIC.MONOMIAL, GENERIC.FULL): if round_ == GENERIC.MONOMIAL and not self.outermost_block: break if round_ == GENERIC.MONOMIAL and self.options.generic == GENERIC.NONE: break if round_ == GENERIC.FULL and self.options.generic == GENERIC.MONOMIAL: break for x in self.variables: for arg in self.formula.args: if not isinstance(arg, Eq): continue lhs = arg.lhs if != degree: # Possibly < 0 when x does not occur continue a = lhs.coefficient({x: degree}) match round_: case GENERIC.NONE: if not is_valid(a != 0, assumptions.atoms): continue self.logger().debug(f'{degree}-Gauss') case GENERIC.MONOMIAL: if len(a.monomials()) > 1: continue if not set(a.vars()).isdisjoint(self.variables): continue assumptions.append(a != 0) self.logger().debug(f'{degree}-Gauss assuming {a != 0}') case GENERIC.FULL: if not set(a.vars()).isdisjoint(self.variables): continue assumptions.append(a != 0) self.logger().debug(f'{degree}-Gauss assuming {a != 0}') self.variables.remove(x) test_points = [] for cluster in self.real_type_selection[self.options.clustering][degree]: for sign in (1, -1): prd = PRD(sign * lhs, x, cluster) if prd.guard(assumptions) is not _F(): test_points.append(TestPoint(prd)) eset = EliminationSet(variable=x, test_points=test_points, method='g') return eset return None def is_admissible_assumption(self, atom: Ne) -> bool: match self.options.generic: case GENERIC.NONE: return False case GENERIC.MONOMIAL: if len(atom.lhs.monomials()) > 1: return False if not set(atom.fvars()).isdisjoint(self.variables): return False return True case GENERIC.FULL: if not set(atom.fvars()).isdisjoint(self.variables): return False return True case _: assert False, self.options.generic def logger(self) -> Logger: if self.options.workers == 0: return abc.qe.logger else: return abc.qe.multiprocessing_logger def process(self, assumptions: Assumptions) -> list[Node]: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.Node.process`. """ eset = self.eset(assumptions) nodes = self.vsubs(eset, assumptions) return nodes def regular_eset(self, assumptions: Assumptions) -> EliminationSet: def red(f: Term, x: Variable, d: int) -> Term: return f - f.coefficient({x: d}) * x ** d def at_cs(atom: AtomicFormula, x: Variable) -> set[CandidateSolution]: """Produce the set of candidate solutions of an atomic formula. """ candidate_solutions = set() xguard: Formula = _T() while (d := > 0: clusters = Node.real_type_selection[self.options.clustering][d] for cluster in clusters: prd = PRD(atom.lhs, x, cluster, xguard) (with_epsilon, tag) = cluster.bound_type(atom, x, assumptions) if tag is not None: cs = CandidateSolution(prd, with_epsilon, tag) candidate_solutions.add(cs) if set(cluster) != set(- cluster): prd = PRD(- atom.lhs, x, cluster, xguard) (with_epsilon, tag) = (- cluster).bound_type(atom, x, assumptions) if tag is not None: cs = CandidateSolution(prd, with_epsilon, tag) candidate_solutions.add(cs) lc = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: d}) if self.is_admissible_assumption(lc != 0): assumptions.append(lc != 0) break atom = atom.op(red(atom.lhs, x, d), 0) if self.options.traditional_guards: xguard = And(xguard, lc == 0) return candidate_solutions smallest_eset_size = None assert self.variables for x in self.variables: # We can use (with_epsilon, TAG) as a key in the future. candidates: dict[TAG, set[CandidateSolution]] = {tag: set() for tag in TAG} for atom in sorted(set(self.formula.atoms())): assert isinstance(atom, AtomicFormula) assert atom.rhs == Term(0) match case -1: assert False, atom case 0 | 1 | 2: for candidate in at_cs(atom, x): if candidate.prd.guard(assumptions) is not _F(): candidates[candidate.tag].add(candidate) case _: raise DegreeViolation(atom, x, num_xub = len(candidates[TAG.XUB]) num_xlb = len(candidates[TAG.XLB]) num_any = len(candidates[TAG.ANY]) eset_size = min(num_xub, num_xlb) + num_any if smallest_eset_size is None or eset_size < smallest_eset_size: smallest_eset_size = eset_size best_variable = x best_candidates = candidates if num_xub < num_xlb: best_inf, best_eps, best_xb = NSP.PLUS_INFINITY, NSP.MINUS_EPSILON, TAG.XUB else: best_inf, best_eps, best_xb = NSP.MINUS_INFINITY, NSP.PLUS_EPSILON, TAG.XLB self.variables.remove(best_variable) test_points = [TestPoint(nsp=best_inf)] for tag in (TAG.ANY, best_xb): for candidate in best_candidates[tag]: if candidate.with_epsilon: test_points.append(TestPoint(candidate.prd, best_eps)) else: test_points.append(TestPoint(candidate.prd)) eset = EliminationSet(variable=best_variable, test_points=test_points, method='e') return eset def vsubs(self, eset: EliminationSet, assumptions: Assumptions) -> list[Node]: def vs_at(atom: AtomicFormula, tp: TestPoint, x: Variable) -> Formula: """Virtually substitute a test point into an atom. """ match tp.nsp: case NSP.NONE: assert tp.prd is not None h = pseudo_sgn_rem(atom.lhs, tp.prd, x) return vs_prd_at(atom.op(h, 0), tp.prd, x) case NSP.PLUS_EPSILON | NSP.MINUS_EPSILON: phi = expand_eps_at(atom, tp.nsp, x) recurse = lambda atom: vs_at(atom, TestPoint(tp.prd, NSP.NONE), x) # noqa E731 return phi.traverse(map_atoms=recurse) case NSP.PLUS_INFINITY | NSP.MINUS_INFINITY: return vs_inf_at(atom, tp.nsp, x) case _: assert False, tp.nsp def pseudo_sgn_rem(g: Term, prd: PRD, x: Variable) -> Term: """Sign-corrected pseudo-remainder """ f = prd.term if < return g _, h = g.pseudo_quo_rem(f, x) delta = - + 1 if delta % 2 == 1: lc_signs = set(root_spec.signs[-1] for root_spec in prd.cluster) if len(lc_signs) == 1: lc_sign = next(iter(lc_signs)) assert lc_sign in (-1, 1) if lc_sign == -1: h = - h else: # Since there are no assumptions, we need not worry about # f_lc == 0. We currently believe that otherwise the guard # takes care that parametric f_lc cannot vanish. f_lc = f.coefficient({x:}) if is_valid(f_lc >= 0): pass elif is_valid(f_lc <= 0): h = - h else: h *= f_lc # One could check for even powers of f_lc in h. Currently, the # simplifier takes care of this. return h def vs_prd_at(atom: AtomicFormula, prd: PRD, x: Variable) -> Formula: """Virtually substitute a parametric root description into an atom. """ return prd.vsubs(atom) def vs_inf_at(atom: AtomicFormula, nsp: NSP, x: Variable) -> Formula: """Virtually substitute ±∞ into an atom """ assert nsp in (NSP.PLUS_INFINITY, NSP.MINUS_INFINITY), nsp match atom: case Eq() | Ne(): return tau(atom, x) case Le() | Lt() | Ge() | Gt(): c = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: 0}) mu: Formula = atom.op(c, 0) for e in range(1, + 1): c = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: e}) if nsp == NSP.MINUS_INFINITY and e % 2 == 1: c = - c mu = Or(atom.op.strict_part()(c, 0), And(Eq(c, 0), mu)) return mu case _: assert False, atom def expand_eps_at(atom: AtomicFormula, nsp: NSP, x: Variable) -> Formula: """Reduce virtual substitution of a parametric root description ±ε to virtual substitution of a parametric root description. """ assert nsp in (NSP.PLUS_EPSILON, NSP.MINUS_EPSILON), nsp match atom: case Eq() | Ne(): return tau(atom, x) case Le() | Lt() | Ge() | Gt(): return nu(atom, nsp, x) case _: assert False, atom def nu(atom: AtomicFormula, nsp: NSP, x: Variable) -> Formula: """Recursion on the vanishing of derivatives """ if <= 0: return atom lhs_prime = atom.lhs.derivative(x) if nsp == NSP.MINUS_EPSILON: lhs_prime = - lhs_prime atom_strict = atom.op.strict_part()(atom.lhs, 0) atom_prime = atom.op(lhs_prime, 0) return Or(atom_strict, And(Eq(atom.lhs, 0), nu(atom_prime, nsp, x))) def tau(atom: AtomicFormula, x: Variable) -> Formula: """Virtually substitute a transcendental element into an equation or inequation. """ args: list[AtomicFormula] = [] match atom: case Eq(): for e in range( + 1): c = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: e}) if c.is_zero(): continue if c.is_constant(): return _F() args.append(Eq(c, 0)) return And(*args) case Ne(): for e in range( + 1): c = atom.lhs.coefficient({x: e}) if c.is_zero(): continue if c.is_constant(): return _T() args.append(Ne(c, 0)) return Or(*args) case _: assert False, atom variables = self.variables x = eset.variable new_nodes = [] for tp in eset.test_points: new_formula = self.formula.traverse(map_atoms=lambda atom: vs_at(atom, tp, x)) # requires discussion: guard will be simplified twice new_formula = simplify(And(tp.guard(assumptions), new_formula), assume=assumptions.atoms) if new_formula is _T(): raise abc.qe.FoundT() new_nodes.append( Node(variables=variables.copy(), formula=new_formula, answer=[], outermost_block=self.outermost_block, options=self.options)) return new_nodes
[docs] @dataclass class Options(abc.qe.Options): """The options specified here, as well as the options inherited from :class:`.abc.qe.Options`, can be passed to the callable class :class:`.VirtualSubstitution` as keyword arguments. Required by :class:`.VirtualSubstitution` for instantiating the type variable :data:`.abc.qe.ω` of :class:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination`. """ clustering: CLUSTERING """The clustering strategy used by :class:`.VirtualSubstitution`. See [Kosta-2016]_ for details on clustering. """ generic: GENERIC """The degree of genericity used by :class:`.VirtualSubstitution`. See [DolzmannSturmWeispfenning-1998]_, [Sturm-1999]_ for details on generic quantifier elimination. >>> from logic1.firstorder import * >>> from logic1.theories.RCF import * >>> a, b, c, x = VV.get('a', 'b', 'c', 'x') >>> qe(Ex(x, (a**2 - 2) * x**2 + b * x + c == 0), ... assume=[c > 0]) Or(And(b != 0, a^2 - 2 == 0), And(a^2 - 2 != 0, 4*a^2*c - b^2 - 8*c <= 0)) >>> qe.assumptions [c > 0] >>> qe(Ex(x, (a**2 - 2) * x**2 + b * x + c == 0), ... assume=[c > 0], generic=GENERIC.FULL) 4*a^2*c - b^2 - 8*c <= 0 >>> qe.assumptions [c > 0, a^2 - 2 != 0] >>> qe(Ex(x, (a**2 - 2) * x**2 + b * x + c == 0), ... assume=[c > 0], generic=GENERIC.MONOMIAL) Or(a^2 - 2 == 0, 4*a^2*c - b^2 - 8*c <= 0) >>> qe.assumptions [c > 0, b != 0] """ traditional_guards: bool """`traditional_guards=False` strictly follows the construction of guards as described in [Kosta-2016]_. >>> from logic1.firstorder import * >>> from logic1.theories.RCF import * >>> a, b, c, x = VV.get('a', 'b', 'c', 'x') >>> qe(Ex(x, a * x**2 + b * x + c == 0)) Or(And(c == 0, b == 0, a == 0), And(b != 0, a == 0), And(a != 0, 4*a*c - b^2 <= 0)) >>> qe(Ex(x, a * x**2 + b * x + c == 0), traditional_guards=False) Or(And(c == 0, b == 0, a == 0), And(b != 0, Or(c == 0, a == 0)), And(a != 0, 4*a*c - b^2 <= 0)) """ def __init__(self, /, clustering: CLUSTERING = CLUSTERING.FULL, generic: GENERIC = GENERIC.NONE, traditional_guards: bool = True, **kwargs) \ -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.clustering = clustering self.generic = generic self.traditional_guards = traditional_guards
[docs] @dataclass class VirtualSubstitution(abc.qe.QuantifierElimination[ Node, Assumptions, list[str], Options, AtomicFormula, Term, Variable, int]): """Real quantifier elimination by virtual substitution. Implements the abstract methods :meth:`create_options() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_options>`, :meth:`create_root_nodes() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_root_nodes>`, :meth:`create_assumptions() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_assumptions>`, :meth:`create_true_node() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_true_node>`, :meth:`final_simplify() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.final_simplify>`, :meth:`init_env() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.init_env>`, :meth:`init_env_arg() <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.init_env_arg>` of its super class :class:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination`. """ def create_options(self, **kwargs) -> Options: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_options`. """ return Options(**kwargs) def create_root_nodes(self, variables: Iterable[Variable], matrix: Formula) -> list[Node]: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_root_nodes`. """ assert self.options is not None assert self._assumptions is not None return [Node(variables=list(variables), formula=simplify(matrix, assume=self._assumptions.atoms), answer=[], outermost_block=not self.blocks, options=self.options)] def create_assumptions(self, assume: Iterable[AtomicFormula]) -> Assumptions: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_assumptions`. """ return Assumptions(assume) def create_true_node(self) -> Node: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.create_true_node`. """ assert self.options is not None return Node(variables=[], formula=_T(), answer=[], outermost_block=False, options=self.options) def final_simplify(self, formula: Formula, assume: Iterable[AtomicFormula] = []) -> Formula: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.final_simplify`. """ return simplify(formula, assume) @classmethod def init_env(cls, ring_vars: list[str]): """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.init_env`. """ polynomial_ring.add_vars(ring_vars) def init_env_arg(self) -> list[str]: """Implements the abstract method :meth:`.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.init_env_arg`. """ # We pass the ring variables to the workers. The workers # reconstruct the ring. return [str(v) for v in polynomial_ring.get_vars()]
qe = virtual_substitution = VirtualSubstitution() """ Real quantifier elimination by virtual substitution. The implementation essentially follows [Kosta-2016]_ up to degree two. It also offers generic quantifier elimination [DolzmannSturmWeispfenning-1998]_, [Sturm-1999]_. Technically, :func:`.qe` is an instance of the callable class :class:`.VirtualSubstitution`. :param f: The input formula to which quantifier elimination will be applied. :param assume: A list of atomic formulas that are assumed to hold. The return value is equivalent modulo those assumptions. :param workers: Specifies the number of processes to be used in parallel: * The default value `workers=0` uses a sequential implementation, which avoids overhead when input problems are small. For all other values, there are additional processes started. * A positive value `workers=n > 0` uses `n + 2` processes: the master process, `n` worker processes, and a proxy processes that manages shared data. .. note:: `workers=1` uses the parallel implementation with only one worker. Algorithmically this is similar to the sequential version with `workers=0` but comes at the cost of 2 additional processes. * A negative value `workers=-n < 0` specifies ``os.num_cpu() - n`` many workers. It follows that `workers=-2` exactly allocates all of CPUs of the machine, and workers=-3 is an interesting choice, which leaves one CPU free for smooth interaction with the machine. :param `**options`: Keyword arguments with keywords corresponding to attributes of :class:`.Options`. Those are :attr:`.clustering`, :attr:`.generic`, :attr:`.log_level`, :attr:`.log_rate`, :attr:`.traditional_guards`. :returns: A quantifier-free equivalent of `f` modulo assumptions that are available in :attr:`qe.assumptions <.abc.qe.QuantifierElimination.assumptions>` at the end of the computation. With regular quantifier elimination, the assumptions are those passed as the `assume` parameter, modulo simplification. With *generic quantifier elimination*, inequations in the parameters can be added in the course of the elimination. See :attr:`.Options.generic` for examples. """