Source code for logic1.firstorder.atomic

"""Generic abstract classes specify atomic formulas, terms, and variables at
the first-order level, where the syntax and semantics of the underlying
theories is unknown. The classes primarily act as interfaces specifying methods
that are used as black boxes within :class:`.Formula` methods.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
import inspect
from types import FrameType
from typing import Any, final, Generic, Iterator, Sequence, TypeVar

from .formula import α, τ, χ, σ, Formula

from import trace  # noqa

κ = TypeVar('κ')
"""A type variable denoting a sort key.

[docs] class VariableSet(Generic[χ]): """The infinite set of all variables of a theory. Variables are uniquely identified by their name, which is a :external:class:`str`. Subclasses within theories are singletons, and their unique instance is assigned to a module variable :data:`VV` there. .. seealso:: Derived classes in various theories and their unique instances: :class:`.RCF.atomic.VariableSet`, :data:`.RCF.atomic.VV` for Real Closed Fields and :class:`.Sets.atomic.VariableSet`, :data:`.Sets.atomic.VV` for Sets. """ @property @abstractmethod def stack(self) -> Sequence[object]: """The class internally keeps track of variables already used. This is relevant when creating unused variables via :meth:`.fresh`. The :attr:`stack` can hold such internal states. .. seealso:: * :meth:`.push` -- push information to :attr:`.stack` and reset * :meth:`.pop` -- restore information from :attr:`.stack` """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, index: str) -> χ: """Obtain the unique variable with name `index`. >>> from logic1.theories import RCF >>> assert isinstance(RCF.VV, RCF.atomic.VariableSet) >>> x = RCF.VV['x']; x x >>> assert isinstance(x, RCF.atomic.Variable) .. seealso:: * :meth:`get` -- obtain several variables simultaneously * :meth:`imp` -- import variables into global namespace """
[docs] @final def get(self, *args: str) -> tuple[χ, ...]: """Obtain several variables simultaneously by their names. >>> from logic1.theories import RCF >>> assert isinstance(RCF.VV, RCF.atomic.VariableSet) >>> x, y = RCF.VV.get('x', 'y') >>> assert isinstance(x, RCF.atomic.Variable) >>> assert isinstance(y, RCF.atomic.Variable) .. seealso:: * :meth:`__getitem__` -- obtain variable by its name * :meth:`imp` -- import variables into global namespace """ return tuple(self[name] for name in args)
[docs] @final def imp(self, *args: str) -> None: """Import variables into global namespace. This works only interactively, i.e., ``if __name__ == '__main__'``. Otherwise use :meth:`.get`. >>> if __name__ == '__main__': # to prevent doctest failure ... from logic1.theories import RCF ... assert isinstance(RCF.VV, RCF.atomic.VariableSet) ... RCF.VV.imp('x', 'y') ... assert isinstance(x, RCF.atomic.Variable) ... assert isinstance(y, RCF.atomic.Variable) .. seealso:: * :meth:`__getitem__` -- obtain variable by its name * :meth:`get` -- obtain several variables simultaneously """ vars_ = self.get(*args) frame = inspect.currentframe() assert isinstance(frame, FrameType) frame = frame.f_back try: assert isinstance(frame, FrameType) module = frame.f_globals['__name__'] if module != '__main__': raise RuntimeError( f'expecting imp to be called from the top level of module __main__; ' f'context is module {module}') function = frame.f_code.co_name if function != '<module>': raise RuntimeError( f'expecting imp to be called from the top level of module __main__; ' f'context is function {function} in module {module}') for v in vars_: frame.f_globals[str(v)] = v finally: # Compare Note here: # del frame
[docs] @abstractmethod def pop(self) -> None: """Restore information about used variables from :attr:`stack`. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def push(self) -> None: """Push information about used variables to :attr:`stack` and reset that information. """ ...
[docs] class Term(Generic[τ, χ, σ, κ]): """This abstract class specifies an interface via the definition of abstract methods on terms required by :class:`.Formula`. The methods are supposed to be implemented for the various theories. We need a type variable <.firstorder.atomic.τ>` for this class itself, because `Self` cannot be used in the static method :meth:`.sort_key`. .. seealso:: Derived classes in various theories: :class:`.RCF.atomic.Term` for Real Closed Fields. .. note:: The theory :mod:`.logic1.theories.Sets` does not subclass :class:`.Term`. Since it has no function symbols, it can use instances of :class:`.Sets.atomic.Variable` as terms. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_latex(self) -> str: """LaTeX representation as a string. This is required by :meth:`.Formula.as_latex` for the representation of quantified variables. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def sort_key(self) -> κ: """A sort key suitable for ordering instances of :data:`τ <.firstorder.atomic.τ>`. .. note:: We reserve Python's rich comparisons :external:obj:`__lt__ <operator.__lt__>`, :external:obj:`__le__ <operator.__le__>` etc. as constructors for instances of subclasses of :class:`.AtomicFormula`. For example, :obj:`.RCF.atomic.Term.__lt__` constructs an inequality >>> from logic1.theories.RCF import * >>> a, b = VV.get('a', 'b') >>> a < b a - b < 0 >>> type(_) <class 'logic1.theories.RCF.atomic.Lt'> As a consquence, rich comparisons are not available for defining an ordering on terms, and we instead provid a `key`, which can be used, e.g., with Python's :external:func:`sorted <sorted>`, or directly as follows: >>> Term.sort_key(a) < Term.sort_key(b) False >>> sorted([a, b], key=Term.sort_key) [b, a] In contrast, atomic formulas and, more generally, formulas support rich comparisons. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def vars(self) -> Iterator[χ]: """An iterator over all occurring variables. Each occurring variable is reported once. .. seealso:: * :meth:`.Formula.bvars` -- all occurring bound variables * :meth:`.Formula.fvars` -- all occurring free variables * :meth:`.Formula.qvars` -- all quantified variables """ ...
[docs] class Variable(Term[χ, χ, σ, κ]): """This abstract class specifies an interface via the definition of abstract methods on variables required by Formula. The methods are supposed to be implemented for the various theories. .. seealso:: Derived classes in various theories: :class:`.RCF.atomic.Variable` for Real Closed Fields and :class:`.Sets.atomic.Variable` for Sets. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def fresh(self) -> χ: """Returns a variable that has not been used so far. """ ...
[docs] class AtomicFormula(Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]): """This abstract class primarily specifies an interface via the definition of abstract methods on atomic formulas that are required by :class:`.Formula`. In addition, it provides some final implementations of such methods, where they do not depend on the syntax or sematic of the specific theory. .. seealso:: Derived classes in various theories: :class:`.RCF.atomic.AtomicFormula` for Real Closed Fields and :class:`.Sets.atomic.AtomicFormula` for Sets. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __le__(self, other: Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]) -> bool: """Returns :external:obj:`True` if `self` should be sorted before or is equal to other. This method is required by the corresponding first-order method :meth:`.Formula.__le__`. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def __str__(self) -> str: """Representation of this atomic formula used in printing. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method. """ # Overloading here breaks an infinite recursion in the inherited # method. ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_latex(self) -> str: """Latex representation as a string. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method :meth:`.Formula.as_latex`. """ ...
[docs] def as_redlog(self) -> str: """Redlog representation as a string. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method :meth:`.Formula.as_redlog`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
@final def atoms(self: α) -> Iterator[α]: yield self
[docs] @abstractmethod def bvars(self, quantified: frozenset[χ] = frozenset()) -> Iterator[χ]: """Iterate over occurrences of variables that are elements of `quantified`. Yield each such variable once for each term that it occurs in. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method :meth:`.Formula.bvars`. """ ...
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def complement(cls) -> type[α]: """The complement operator of an atomic formula, i.e., :code:`a.complement(*a.args)` is an atomic formula equivalent to :code:`Not(a.op(*a.args))`. .. seealso:: * :meth:`.to_complement` -- \ generalization from relations to atomic formulas """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def fvars(self, quantified: frozenset[χ] = frozenset()) -> Iterator[χ]: """Iterate over occurrences of variables that are *not* elements of `quantified`. Yield each such variable once for each term that it occurs in. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method :meth:`.Formula.fvars`. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def simplify(self) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Fast basic simplification. The result is equivalent to self. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method :meth:`.Formula.simplify`. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def subs(self, substitution: dict[χ, τ | σ]) -> α: """Simultaneous substitution of terms from `τ` or constants from `σ` for variables from `χ`. This method is required by the corresponding recursive first-order method :meth:`.Formula.subs`. """ ...
[docs] @final def to_complement(self) -> α: """Returns an :class:`AtomicFormula` equivalent to ``Not(self)``. .. seealso:: :attr:`complement` -- complement relation """ return self.complement()(*self.args)