Source code for

"""This module :mod:`` provides a generic abstract
implementation of *deep simplifcication* based on generating and propagating
internal representations during recursion. This is essentially the *standard
simplifier*, which has been proposed for Ordered Fields in

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import auto, Enum
from typing import Generic, Iterable, Optional, Self, TypeVar

from ..firstorder import (
    And, AtomicFormula, _F, Formula, Or, QuantifiedFormula, _T, Term, Variable)

from import trace  # noqa

# About Generic:

α = TypeVar('α', bound='AtomicFormula')
τ = TypeVar('τ', bound='Term')
χ = TypeVar('χ', bound='Variable')
σ = TypeVar('σ')

ρ = TypeVar('ρ', bound='InternalRepresentation')

ω = TypeVar('ω', bound='Options')
"""A type variable denoting a options for
:meth:`.Simplify.simplify` with upper bound :class:`.Options`.

class RESTART(Enum):
    """Used for the return value of :meth:`.InternalRepresentation:add`.
    NONE = auto()
    """No formulas of the current level require resimplification.

    OTHERS = auto()
    """Non-atoms of the current level require resimplification.

    ALL = auto()
    """All formulas of the current level require resimplification.

[docs] class InternalRepresentation(Generic[α, τ, χ, σ]): """This abstract class serves as an upper bound for the type variable :data:`ρ` in :class:`.abc.simplify.Simplify`. It specifies an interface comprising methods required there. The principal idea is that a :class:`InternalRepresentation` should holds information that corresponds to a conjunction of atomic formulas. In the course of recursive simplification in:class:`.abc.simplify.Simplify`, instances of this class are inherited from higher levels and are enriched with information from all atomic formulas on the toplevel of the subformula currently under consideration. """ class Inconsistent(Exception): """Indicates that an instance of :class:`InternalRepresentation` contains inconsistent information. This exception is typically handled in :class:`.abc.Simplify` and its derived classes, where appropriate values are returned. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def add(self, gand: type[And[α, τ, χ, σ] | Or[α, τ, χ, σ]], atoms: Iterable[α]) -> RESTART: """Add information originating from `atoms`. If `gand` is :class:`.And`, consider ``atoms``. If `gand` is :class:`.Or`, consider ``(Not(at) for at in atoms)``. Simplification among atoms is supposed to take place here. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def extract(self, gand: type[And[α, τ, χ, σ] | Or[α, τ, χ, σ]], ref: Self) -> Iterable[α]: """Comapare `self`and `ref` to identify and extract information that must be represented on the toplevel of the subformula currently under consideration. If `gand` is :class:`.And`, the result represents a conjunction. If `gand` is :class:`.Or`, it represents a disjunction. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def next_(self, remove: Optional[χ] = None) -> Self: """Create a copy of `self`, optionally removing all information involving the variable `remove`. """ ...
def restart(self, ir: Self) -> Self: assert False def transform_atom(self, atom: α) -> α: return atom
class Options(ABC): """This class holds options that can be provided to :meth:`.Simplify.simplify`. Theories subclassing :class:`.Simplify` can add further options by subclassing :class:`.Options`. This is an upper bound for the type variable :data:`.ω`. """ pass
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Simplify(Generic[α, τ, χ, σ, ρ, ω]): """Deep simplification following [DolzmannSturm-1997]_. .. seealso:: Derived classes in various theories: :class:`.RCF.simplify.Simplify`, :class:`.Sets.simplify.Simplify` """ _options: ω """The options that have been passed to :meth:`.simplify`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_initial_representation(self, assume: Iterable[α]) -> ρ: """Create a fresh instance of :class:`.ρ`. """ ...
[docs] def is_valid(self, f: Formula[α, τ, χ, σ], assume: Iterable[α] = []) -> Optional[bool]: """Simplification-based heuristic test for vailidity of a formula. .. admonition:: Mathematical definition A first-order formula is *valid* if it holds for all values all free variables. :param f: The formula to be tested for validity :param assume: A list of atomic formulas that are assumed to hold. The result of the validity test is correct modulo these assumptions. :returns: Returns :data:`True` or :data:`False` if :meth:`.abc.simplify.Simplify.simplify` succeeds in heuristically simplifying `f` to :data:`.T` or :data:`.F`, respectively. Returns :data:`None` in the sense of "don't know" otherwise. """ f = self.simplify(f, assume) if f is _T(): return True if f is _F(): return False return None
def _post_process(self, f: Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """A hook for post-processing the final result in subclasses. """ return f
[docs] @abstractmethod def simpl_at(self, atom: α, context: Optional[type[And[α, τ, χ, σ]] | type[Or[α, τ, χ, σ]]]) \ -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Simplify the atomic formula `atom`. The `context` tells whether `atom` occurs within a conjunction or a disjunction. This can be taken into consideration for the inclusion of certain simplification strategies. For instance, simplification of ``xy == 0`` to ``Or(x == 0, y == 0)`` over the reals could be desirable within a disjunction but not otherwise. """ # Does not receive the internal representation, by design. ...
[docs] def simplify(self, f: Formula[α, τ, χ, σ], assume: Iterable[α] = []) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Simplify `f` modulo `assume`. :param f: The formula to be simplified :param assume: A list of atomic formulas that are assumed to hold. The simplification result is equivalent modulo those assumptions. :returns: A simplified equivalent of `f` modulo `assume`. """ try: ir = self.create_initial_representation(assume) except InternalRepresentation.Inconsistent: return _T() f = f.to_nnf(to_positive=True) f = self._simpl_nnf(f, ir) f = self._post_process(f) return f
def _simpl_nnf(self, f: Formula[α, τ, χ, σ], ir: ρ) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Simplify the negation normal form `f` modulo `ir`. """ if Formula.is_atomic(f): return self._simpl_atomic(f, ir) if Formula.is_and(f) or Formula.is_or(f): return self._simpl_and_or(f, ir) if Formula.is_quantified_formula(f): return self._simpl_quantified(f, ir) if Formula.is_true(f) or Formula.is_false(f): return f assert False, f def _simpl_and_or(self, f: And[α, τ, χ, σ] | Or[α, τ, χ, σ], ir: ρ) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Simplify the negation normal form `f`, which starts with either :class:`.And` or :class:`.Or`, modulo `ir`. """ # def log(msg: str): # from IPython.lib import pretty # print('+' + (78 - len(msg)) * '-' + ' ' + msg) # pretty_f = pretty.pretty(f, newline='\n| ') # pretty_nodes = pretty.pretty(ir._subst.nodes, newline='\n| ' + len('ir._subst.nodes=') * ' ') # pretty_ref_nodes = pretty.pretty(ref._subst.nodes, newline='\n| ' + len('ref._subst.nodes=') * ' ') # print(f'| f={pretty_f}\n| {ir._knowl=!s}\n| ir._subst.nodes={pretty_nodes}\n| {ref._knowl=!s}\n| ref._subst.nodes={pretty_ref_nodes}') # print('+' + 79 * '-') ref = ir ir = ir.next_() gand = f.op queue = deque(f.args) simplified_others: set[Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]] = set() while queue: arg = queue.popleft() if Formula.is_atomic(arg): simplified_arg = self.simpl_at(ir.transform_atom(arg), context=gand) else: simplified_arg = self._simpl_nnf(arg, ir) if isinstance(simplified_arg, gand.definite()): return simplified_arg elif isinstance(simplified_arg, gand.neutral()): new_atoms: set[α] = set() new_others: set[Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]] = set() elif isinstance(simplified_arg, gand): new_atoms = set() new_others = set() for arg in simplified_arg.args: if Formula.is_atomic(arg): new_atoms.add(arg) else: new_others.add(arg) elif Formula.is_atomic(simplified_arg): new_atoms = {simplified_arg} new_others = set() else: assert isinstance(simplified_arg, (gand.dual(), QuantifiedFormula)) new_atoms = set() new_others = {simplified_arg} if new_atoms: try: restart = ir.add(gand, new_atoms) except ir.Inconsistent: return gand.definite_element() if restart is RESTART.NONE: # Save resimp if ir has not changed simplified_others = simplified_others.union(new_others) elif restart is RESTART.OTHERS: for simplified_other in simplified_others: if simplified_other not in queue: queue.append(simplified_other) simplified_others = new_others # subtle but correct else: assert restart is RESTART.ALL for simplified_other in simplified_others: if simplified_other not in queue: queue.append(simplified_other) simplified_others = new_others for atom in ir.extract(gand, ref): if atom not in queue: queue.appendleft(atom) # queue = deque(f.args) ir = ref.restart(ir) else: simplified_others = simplified_others.union(new_others) final_atoms = list(ir.extract(gand, ref)) final_atoms.sort() final_others = list(simplified_others) final_others.sort() return gand(*final_atoms, *final_others) def _simpl_atomic(self, atom: α, ir: ρ) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Simplify `atom`, which either stands on the toplevel or is the argument formula of a quantifier, modulo `ir`. At the moment, there is no difference made between these two cases. Argument atoms of :class:`.And`, :class:`.Or` are handled directly in :meth:`._simpl_and_or`. """ ref = ir ir = ir.next_() f = self.simpl_at(atom, context=None) if not Formula.is_atomic(f): return self._simpl_nnf(f, ir) try: ir.add(And, [f]) except ir.Inconsistent: return _F() final_atoms = list(ir.extract(And, ref)) if len(final_atoms) == 0: return _T() if len(final_atoms) == 1: return final_atoms[0] assert False, final_atoms def _simpl_quantified(self, f: QuantifiedFormula[α, τ, χ, σ], ir: ρ) -> Formula[α, τ, χ, σ]: """Simplify the negation normal form `f`, which starts with either :class:`.Ex` or :class:`.All`, modulo `ir`. """ ir = ir.next_(remove=f.var) simplified_arg = self._simpl_nnf(f.arg, ir) return f.op(f.var, simplified_arg)